A Mind Without a Brain?
Is the mind the same thing as the brain? Not at all. The brain is an organ, three pounds of protein, fat, and water. The mind, though, is made of ideas, hopes, images, memories, words. Those weigh nothing, take up no space. They’re not even physical.
The amazing thing is that there is no scientific theory of how the mind is connected to the brain. But it must be, right?
Mind Without Brain (Nonfiction, 43,000 words) describes the mind without resorting to biological explanation. It proposes a structure and operating principles for how the mind works. Its connection to the brain is not discussed.
The proposal: The human mind is like a jazz trio, three streams of mentality working in concert. Oddly, two of the three players are not susceptible to introspection, giving the illusion of a singular consciousness. This evidence-based essay in cognitive psychology offers a promising new look at the mind that resolves many perplexing problems of psychology.
This is brain without mind, not the same thing at all. –>
If you dissect a brain, you find no words, no songs, no images. There’s nothing in there but organic tissue.
Mind Without Brain is out now.
You can get it online or in paperback:
Kindle: ISBN: 978-1-7355412-2-8 (mobi)
KDP: ISBN: 978-1-7355412-3-5 (paper 6×9)
Smashwords: ISBN: 978-1-7355412-1-1 (Epub) https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/1053954